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浙江大学公共管理学院导师:韩昊英 正文


  曾作为课题组成员和“中国篇”研究负责人,参与编写由日本国土交通省委托,財団法人土地総合研究所组织的“平成17年(2005年)国土交通省土地政策研究报告——亚洲诸国土地利用相关调查(アジア諸国における土地利用に関する調査) ”;


  [1] 复杂与城市发展和空间规划
  [2] 决策网络
  [3] 规划分析
  [4] 空间句法与人类行为模式

  [1]吴次芳, 韩昊英. 区域发展与空间规划
  [2]韩昊英, 杨遴杰. 城市管理(MPA课程)

  [1] Han, Haoying, and Shih-Kung Lai. Decision Network: A Planning Tool for Making Multiple, Linked Decisions. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 2011, 38(1): 115-128. SSCI/SCI/EI [DOI: 10.1068/b35158]
  [2]赖世刚, 韩昊英*, 于如陵, 柯博晟. 都市聚落系统的形成规律——递增报酬与幂次法则的计算机与数理仿真. 地理学报, 2010, 65(8): 961-972.
  [3]韩昊英, 龙瀛. 绿色还是绿地——北京市第一道绿化隔离带实施成效研究. 北京规划建设, 2010(3): 59-63.[ISSN: 1003-627X]
  [4]赖世刚, 韩昊英, 吴次芳. 行为规划理论刍议. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2010, 40(2): 89-97. [DOI: 10.3785/j.issn. 1008-942X.2009.08.071]
  [5]黄辉玲, 韩昊英*, 吴次芳, 徐金哲. 哈尔滨市经济适用住房现状调查与分析.现代城市研究, 2009, 24(12): 21-27.(ISSN: 1009-6000)
  [6]赖世刚, 韩昊英*, 吴次芳. 城市管理的学科设计——架构与内涵. 公共事务评论(台湾), 2009, 10(2): 35-72. (ISSN: 1608-9456)
  [7]韩昊英, 赖世刚, 吴次芳. 中国当代城市规划的战略观——复杂城市系统中设计与战略型规划的解析. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2009, 39(6): 187-194. [DOI: 10.3785/j.issn. 1008-942X.2009.02.221]
  [8] Han, Haoying, Shih-Kung Lai, Anrong Dang, Zongbo Tan, and Cifang Wu. Effectiveness of Urban Construction Boundaries in Beijing: An Assessment. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A. 2009, 10(9): 1285-1295. SSCI/SCI/EI[DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A0920317]
  [9]吴次芳, 韩昊英, 赖世刚. 城市空间增长管理:工具与策略. 规划师, 2009, 25(8)15-19.
  [10]龙瀛, 韩昊英*, 毛其智. 利用约束性CA制定城市增长边界. 地理学报, 2009, 64(8): 999-1008.[ISSN: 0375-5444]
  [11]韩昊英, 党安荣, 吴次芳, 冯科. 基于遥感影像的北京市城市规划区内农用地控制成效分析. 中国土地科学, 2009, 23(5): 59-64.
  [12]韩昊英, 冯科, 吴次芳. 容纳式城市发展政策:国际视野和经验. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2009, 39(2): 162-171.[ DOI:10.3785/j.issn.1008-942X.2009.02.019]
  [13] Lai, Shih-Kung, and Haoying Han*. Compensation Policies for Agricultural Land Requisition in China: A Review. Review of Real Estate and Urban Studies. 2009(2): 123-134.
  [14]冯科, 吴次芳, 韩昊英. 国内外城市蔓延的研究进展及思考——定量测量、内在机理及其调控策略. 城市规划学刊, 2009(2): 38-43.
  [15]吴一洲, 陈前虎, 韩昊英, 罗文斌. 都市成长区城镇空间多元组织模式研究. 地理科学进展. 2009, 28(1): 103-110.
  [16]韩昊英. 日本1968年城市规划法划线制度的实施成效及其政策启示. 北京规划建设, 2008(2): 81-85.
  [17]黑濑武史, 韩昊英. 后工业化国家传统工业区改造中的环境治理——对于日本、美国和欧洲经验的综合回顾. 北京规划建设, 2007 (2): 80-83.
  [18]韩昊英, 李蕊芳, 希巴·鲍·阿卡尔等. 城市校园.世界建筑. 2005(3): 30-32.
  [19]韩昊英. 基于RS和GIS技术的北京旧城传统街区的数量分析. 北京规划建设, 2005 (4): 25-28.

  [1] Han, Haoying, and Shih-Kung Lai. Formation of National Land Policies in China: Processes and Effectiveness. Symposium of Comparing Urban and Environmental Issues in China and the U. S., East Lancing, USA, 2011.
  [2] Lai, Shih-Kung, Haoying Han. Planning as Intelligence. 2010 International Symposium on Urban Planning. Nara, Japan, 2010.
  [3] Han, Haoying, The Paradise in China: Modern Development and Heritage Conservation of Hangzhou. The International Policy Forum on Urban Growth and Conservation in Euro-Asian Corridor. Istanbul, Turkey, 2010.
  [4] Han, Haoying, and Shih-Kung Lai. Urban Land Inventory Management: Exploration of the Costs. The 15th Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities. Tokyo, Japan, 2010.
  [5] 韩昊英, 赖世刚. 以财产权观点探讨中国土地一级市场制度. 第二届东亚房地产研讨会. 日本大学, 东京, 2009.
  [6] Han, Haoying, and Shih-Kung Lai. Urban Land Inventory Management: a Comparison between Time-driven and Even-driven Methods. International Forum on Sustainable Urbanization. Calumet, USA, 2009.
  [7] Ye, Yanmei, Xiaomin Ye, and Haoying Han. Concept Clarification and Classification for Idle Land. The CRIOCM 2009 International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate. Nanjing, 2009.
  [8] Huang, Huiling, Haoying Han, Cifang Wu, and Jinzhe Xu. Survey and Analysis of the Affordable Housing in Harbin City. The CRIOCM 2009 International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate. Nanjing, 2009.
  [9] Han, Haoying, and Shih-Kung Lai. The Power Law of Urban Settlements: An Empirical Study of China. The 2009 International Workshop of Urban Geography, Beijing, 2009.
  [10] Lai, Shih-Kung, and Haoying Han. Decision Network: Toward A Planning Support System. in the Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management. Hong Kong, 2009.
  [11] Han, Haoying. Sustainable Development in Hangzhou: Its Gain and Loss toward a “Mordernized” City. Lecture at the International Workshop on Sustainability. Tokyo, 2009.
  [12] 韩昊英. 中国经济适用房政策的发展沿革. 第一届东亚房地产研讨会. 建国大学, 首尔, 2008.
  [13] 黄辉玲, 韩昊英. 哈尔滨市经济适用住房现状调查与分析. 第八届中韩土地政策研讨会. 韩国国土研究院, 首尔, 2008.
  [14] Han, Haoying, and Anrong Dang. Assessment of the Implementation of Urban Construction Boundaries in Beijing City by Using Remote Sensing Data. in the 16th International Conference on Geoinformatics & Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment. Guangzhou, 2008.
  [15] Han, Haoying, and Yukio Nishimura. Urban Land Growth and Its Management in China—The Contemporary Approaches. in the Proceedings of the 12th International Planning History Society. New Delhi, India, 2006.
  [16] Han, Haoying, and Yukio Nishimura. Central Government’s Role in Urban Land Growth Management—The Perspective in China. in the Proceedings of the 2nd World Planning Schools Congress. Mexico City, Mexico, 2006.
  [17] Dang, Anrong, Huizhen Shi, Haoying Han et al. Study on the System of Technical Methods for Digital Urban Planning. in the Proceedings of the International Society for Photogrammertry and Remote Sensing. Hangzhou, 2005.
  [18] Han, Haoying. Incompatible or Reciprocal? The Policies of Urbanization and Cultivated Land Protection of China. in the Proceedings of the 8th International Asian Planning Schools Association Congress. Penang, Malaysia, 2005.
  [19] Han, Haoying. The Operation of Control in the Cultivated Land Protection System of China. in the Proceedings of the 10th Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities. Khabarovsk, Russia, 2005.
  [20] 韩昊英, 邓奕, 史慧珍. 历史文化?;で妨⒊跗诒本┚沙切翁卣骷氨淝ǔ跆? 中国建筑学会50周年年会. 北京, 2003.
  [21] Han, Haoying, and Zongbo Tan. Case Study: A Survey on Residential Land Use Condition and Its Planning in Xian-Ju City, Zhejiang Province, P. R. China. in the Proceedings of the 8th Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities. Beijing, 2003.
  [22] Han, Haoying, and Zongbo Tan. Urban Land Use Planning and Management of Small Cities in China. in the Proceedings of the 7th Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities. Manila, Philippines, 2002.
  [1]赖世刚, 韩昊英. 复杂: 城市规划的新观点. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社, 2009.






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