
发布时间:2021-11-06 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:


扬州大学旅游烹饪学院导师:黄阿根 正文

  黄阿根,男,1963年12月出生,副教授,硕士生导师;1986.7南京化工大学化学工程本科毕业,1994.7华东理工大学生化工程专业研究生毕业,获硕士学位; 1996.8北京中国科技大学研究生院进修;扬州大学优秀教师。
  主要从事食品工程、生化工程、农产品深加工及天然活性物质分离纯化及功能等方面的教学与科研; 先后主持江苏省自然科学基金项目、江苏省农业科技攻关项目及市校级研究课题8项,参与研究项目多项;获江苏省科技厅及教育厅授予的高校自制教学仪器一等 奖。近年来发表专业论文30多篇,一篇SCI收录,两篇被EI收录,申报发明专利3项。

  Vice Prof. Agen Huang, Master


  1 East Yanfu Road, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu 225001, PR CHINA


  (86) 514 8797 8002


  (86) 514 8731 3372



  Research Area:
  Engineering of food and fermentation
  Separation and purification of functional factor in nature resources
  Comprehensive exploitation and utilization of food resources
  Selected Publications:
  Huang Agen, Dong Ruijian, Lu Maolin. Separation and purification of polyphenols crude extracts from tea flower(CamelliasinensisL.O.Kuntze) andtheir antioxidative activities.Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery. 2008,39 (12): 107-111(in Chinese)
  Huang A-gen, Dong Ruijian and Xie KaiZhou.Purification of Polyphenols from Tea Flower with Macroporous Resin. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Engineering. 2007,23 (9): 239-245(in Chinese)
  Huang Agen,Dong Ruijian,Wei Hong.Identification and Analysis of Major Bioactive Compounds in Tea Flower. Food Science. 2007,28 (7): 400-403 (in Chinese)
  Huang Agen, Chen Xuehao, Gao Yunzhong.Determination and Analysis of ingredient in Okra. Food Science. 2007,28 (10): 451-455 (in Chinese)
  Huang A-gen, Dong Rui-jian and Xu Ji-chun.Separation of Catechins from Tea Plant Flower Polyphenols. Food Science. 2007,28 (9): 253-257 (in Chinese)
  Huang Agen, Dong Ruijian, Ge Qingfeng.Studies on the Purification of Polyphenols from Tea Plant Flower by Ultrafiltration Food and Fermentation Industries. 2007,33(8): 158-162(in Chinese)
  Huang Agen Dong Ruijian Ma Juanjuan.Study on Extraction and Purification of Tea polyphenol by Precipitation-Absorption.Food and Fermentation Industries. 2007,33(11): 128-131(in Chinese)
  Huang Agen, Dong Ruijian ,Wei Hong.Study on the Isolation and Purification of Flavonoids from Lotus Leaf by Macroporous Resins. Modern Food Science and Tecgnology. 2008,24 (10): 1202-1206 (in Chinese)
  Huang Agen Gu Ruixia Zhang Nianfeng .Analysis and calculation of operating heat transfer process in food engineering. Food and Machinery. 2008,24 (4): 89-92(in Chinese)
  Huang Agen, Xu Jichun, Liang Wenjuan.The study on the dry rice wine fermentation technology.China Brewing. 2008,27(15): 64-68(in Chinese)
  E-mail:aghuang@yzu.edu.cn /411784031@qq.com




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