
发布时间:2021-10-09 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:


四川大学生命科学学院导师:孙群 正文

  姓名:孙群 性别:
  职称:教授、博导 学院:生命科学学院  
  研究方向: 食品安全、微生物技术
  • 资源微生物学及微生物技术四川省重点实验室,主任
  • 四川大学生物技术系,副系主任
  • 中国畜产品加工研究会,常务理事
  • 四川省微生物学会,常务理事
  • 四川省学术和技术带头人,后备人选
  • 四川省科技科学家青年联合会,理事
  • 四川省标准化协会食品标准专业技术委员会肉制品类,委员
  电话:028-85418810(O),028-85460487(L); Email: qunsun@scu.edu.cn
  简 历:
  1985-1989 四川大学生物工程系,理学学士;
  1996-1999 美国康涅狄克大学(University of Connecticut)动物系, 硕士学位;
  2002-2007 四川大学,现代遗传与生物工程,理学博士;
  1999-2000 美国Forsyth Technical Community College, 计算机编程专业、信息系统专业,证书;
  1989-1995 四川省轻工业研究设计院,助理工程师;
  1996-1999 美国康涅狄克大学(University of Connecticut)动物系, 研究助理;
  2001- 四川大学生命科学学院,副教授、博士生导师、教授;
  2009-2010 美国康涅狄克大学(University of Connecticut)访问学者。
  • 国家国际科技合作专项,2011-2015,项目主持;
  • 国家自然科学基金,结核分枝杆菌的分子进化与菌株耐药性演化,2010-2012,项目主持;
  • 国家(科技部)科技人员服务企业行动项目,传统川味调味品豆瓣的现代化生产技术研究,2010-2011,项目主持;
  • 中华人民共和国和俄罗斯政府间合作项目,抗农作物病害的高效微生物制剂的研发,2010-2011,项目主持;
  • 中华人民共和国和匈牙利共和国双边政府间合作项目,核移植克隆及转基因动物食品安全相关参数监测,2009-2010,项目主持;
  • 国家科技支撑计划,调理肉制品综合保鲜技术研究,2007-2010,子课题主持;
  • 国家科技支撑计划,若尔盖湿地生物多样性保育关键技术与示范,2007-20010;第二项目主持;
  • 国家重大基础研究前期研究专项,耐高温杂交水稻的耐热机制研究及其QTL定位,2006-2007,项目主持;
  • 国家科技攻关计划,资源微生物及微生物杀虫剂的研究与应用,2003-2005,第二项目主持;
  • 中华人民共和国和俄罗斯政府间合作项目,控制微囊藻生长及遏制水花的生物制剂,2007-2009,项目主持;
  • 四川省科技支撑项目,结核病快速基因诊断方法的研究,2010-2012,项目主持;
  • 四川省公益性研究计划,四川地区人群的结核病快速早期诊断及耐药检测芯片的研制,2007-2009,项目主持;
  • 广西壮族自治区科技厅攻关项目,强肝软坚复合制剂的研发,2007-2010,项目主持;
  • 四川省科技攻关项目,高效生物杀藻剂的研制与应用,2005-2006,项目主持;
  • 四川省科技攻关项目,高效新型微生物杀虫剂产业化关键工艺及设备的研发,2004-2005,项目主持;
  • 四川省科技攻关计划,纳米材料的控制性合成及在基因载体中的应用,2004-2005,项目主持;
  • 四川省科技攻关项目,食品营养成分数据库的建立及在营养标识中的应用,2004-2005,项目主持;
  • 四川省应用基础项目,青刺果油的氧化及脂代谢药理研究,2003-2004,项目主持;
  • 成都军区总医院,保胆取石术后口服?;切苋パ醯ㄋ幔ㄌ下尢兀┰し澜崾捶?,2011-2013,项目主持;
  • 成都市利维国际贸易有限公司,传统川味调味品(豆瓣)现代化生产技术,2008-2009,项目主持;
  • 四川大学142工程引进人才启动基金,传统肉制品的脂类氧化机理研究,2001-2004,项目主持;
  • 国家自然科学基金委员会,固定化生物膜受体色谱在生物相互作用分析中的应用,2003,主研;
  • 国家863计划,抗虫抗病转基因植物新材料构建,2003-04,主研。
  • 教育部特色专业—生物科学项目,“中美微生物学本科教学对比研究”,2009-2010,项目主持;
  • 教育部 “国家生物学人才培养基地”专业课团队项目,“微生物学类课程群教学团队建设”,2009-2010,项目第二主持;
  • 四川省“微生物学”精品课程建设项目,2006-2009,项目第二主持;
  • 四川省教育厅高等教育人才培养质量和教学改革项目,本科《微生物学》课程双语教学改革研究,2005-2006,项目主持;
  • 四川大学新世纪高等教育教学改革工程,本科《微生物学》课程双语教学改革方案及实施,2004-2005,项目主持;
  • 中国开放式教育资源共享项目,麻省理工学院开放式课件“微生物遗传学实验”翻译,2005,项目主持;
  • 中国开放式教育资源共享项目,美国塔夫茨大学开放式课件“微生物学”翻译,2004,项目主持.
  1.Yin, S., Faustman, C., Tatiyaborworntham, N., Ramanathan, R., Maheswarappa, N.B., Mancini R.A., Joseph P., Suman, S.P., Sun, Q.Species-specific Myoglobin Oxidation.J Agric.Food Chem.2011, 59: 12198–12203
  2.Zeng, W., He., Q., Sun, Q., Gao, H.Antibacterial activity of water-soluble extract from pine needles of Cedrus deodara and the active compounds.International Journal of Food Microbiology.2012, 15: 378–84
  3.Luo, Q., Zhang, J., Yan, L., Tang, Y., Ding, X., Yang, Z., and Sun, Q.Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Water-Soluble Polysaccharides from Tuber indicum.Journal of Medicinal Food.Doi: 10.1089/jmf.2011.1659
  4.Ye, J., Zhou, R., Zheng, C., Sun, Q., Lv, Y., Li, C., Hou, X.Size-controllable synthesis of spherical ZnO nanoparticles: Size- and concentration-dependent resonant light scattering.Microchemical Journal.2012, 100: 61–65
  5.Zeng, W., Jia, L., Gao, H., Zheng, Y., Sun, Q.Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of essential oil from Gnaphlium affine.Food and Chemical Toxicology.2011, 49: 1322–1328
  6.Zhao, Y., Feng, Q., Tang, K., Zhang, C., Sun, H., Luo, T., Yang, Z., Couvin, D., Rastog, N., Sun, Q.Population Sstructure of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates from Sichuan in China.Infect.Genet.Evol.2011, doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2011.09.022.
  7.Guo, J., Xiang, W., Zhang, G., Luo, T., Xie, N., Yang, Z., Sun, Q.Mycobacterial Interspersed Repetitive Unit Typing in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates from Sichuan in China.Indian Journal of Medical Research.2011, 134: 362-368.
  8.Ramanathan, R., Mancini R.A., Joseph P., Yin, S., Tatiyaborworntham, N., Petersson, K., Sun, Q., Konda, M.R.Effects of lactate on ground lamb color stability and mitochondria-mediated metmyoglobin reduction.Food Chemistry.2010, doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.10.093
  9.Luo, F., Feng, S., Sun, Q., Xiang, W., Zhao, J., Zhang, J., Yang, Z.Screening for bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria from kurut, a traditional naturally-fermented yak milk from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Food Control.2011, 22:50-53.
  10.Faustman, C., Sun, Q., Mancini R.and Suman, S.P.Myoglobin and lipid oxidation interactions: mechanistic bases and control.Meat Sci.2010.86: 86-94.
  11.Xiang, W., Zhang, J., Li, L., Liang, H., Luo, H.Zhao, J.Yang, Z., and Sun, Q.Screening a novelNa1/H1 antiportergene from a metagenomic libraryof halophiles colonizing in the Dagong Ancient Brine Well in China.FEMS Microbiology Letter.2010.306: 22-29.
  12.Feng, S.Zeng, W., Luo, F., Zhao, J., Yang, Z.Sun, Q.Antibacterial activity of organic acids in aqueous extracts from pine needles (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) , Food Science and Biotechnology.2010.19 (1): 35-41.
  13.Huang, M., Chen, D., Ning, H., Yang, Z.and Sun, Q.Determination of residual streptomycin sulfate in biological sample by spectrophotometric method.Spectroscopy letters.2008.In press.
  14.Zhao, Y., Zhang, X., Guda, K., Lawrence, E., Sun, Q., Watanabe, T., Iwakura, Y., Asano, M., Wei, L., Yang, Z., Zheng, W., Dawson, D., Willis, J., Markowitz, S., Satake, M., and Wang Z.Identification and functional characterization of paxillin as a target of protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor T.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.2010, 107:2592-2597
  15.Zhang J., Zhao, J., Li, D., Liu, S., Li, L., Sun, Q., Huang, M., and Yang, Z.Cloning of the gene encoding an insecticidal protein in Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes.Annals of Microbiology, 2009, 59 (1): 45-5
  16.Huang, M., Li, D., Xiang, W., Chen, H.Guo, J., Zhao, J., Zhang J., Yang, Z.and Sun, Q.Effect of untranslated region and signal peptide sequence from Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes on insecticidal gene expression in tobacco.World J.Microb.Biot.2009, 25: 619-625.
  17.Xuan P., Chen, X., Sun, Q., Liang, J-B., Chen, F.Rapid Determination of Momordicoside in Momoradica charantia Seeds by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis.Microchim.Acta¬.2009, 165: 35-38.
  18.Guo J.Xiang, W., Huang, M., Yang, Z., Sun, Q.Molecular characterization of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from Sichuan Province in China.Jpn.J.Infect.Dis.2008.2008.61(4): 264-268.
  19.Xiang, W., Guo, J., Huang, M., Chen, H., Zhao, J., Zhang J., Yang, Z., Sun, Q.Community of extremely halophilic bacteria isolated from historic Dagong Brine Well in southwestern China.World J.Microb.Biot.2008.24(10): 2297-2305.
  20.Tian, T., Sun, Q-L., Wang, Q., Xu, K, Zhang, Tao, and Sun, Q.Microbial transformation of polydatin and emodin-8-β-D-glucoside of Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb.et Zucc into resveratrol and emodin respectively by Rhizopus sp.World J.Microb.2008.24(6): 861-866.
  21.Xu, M., Sun, Q., Wang, J., Xu, C., Zhang, T., Sun, Q.Microbial transformation of geniposide in Gardenia jasminoides Ellis into genipin by Penicillium nigricans.Enzyme Microb.Tech.2008.42: 440-444.
  22.Zhang, S., Shen, J., Shen, G., Sun, Z., Xu, P., Peng, Y., Yang, Z., and Sun, Q.Development and evaluation of a novel multiplex probe array for rapid identification of Mycobacterium species from clinical isolates.World J.Microb.Biot.2007.23: 1779-1788.
  23.Zhang, W., Qiao, Z., Tang, Y., Hu, C., Sun, Q., Morimura, S.and Kida, K.Analysis of the fungal community in zaopei during the production of Chinese Luzhou-flavor liquor.J.I.Brewing.2007.113(1): 21-27
  24.Zhang, S., Xu, P., Li, D., Sun, Z., Wang, G., Yang, Z., and Sun, Q.A novel genotypic test for rapid detection of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates by a multiplex probe array.J.Appl.Microbiol.2007.102 (4): 903-909.
  25.Zhang, S., Qi, H., Qiu, D., Li, D., Zhang, J., Du, C., Wang, G., Yang, Z., and Sun, Q.Genotypic analysis of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates recovered from Central China.Biochem.Genet.2007.45 (1): 1-3
  26.Zhang S., Sun, Q., Li, D., Zhang G., Sun, Z., Du, C., Wang, G., and Yang, Z.Development and evaluation of a novel multiplex probe array for rapid differential identification of Mycobacterium in clinical specimens.J.Microbiol.Immunol.2006.4(2): 79-87
  27.Li, D., Sun, Q., Huang, M.., Zhang,,J., Bai, S., Zheng, L., Zhao, J., Qiu, D., Li, L., Yang Z., You, M., Liu, G., Zhang, Y., Zhang, C., and Li, S.Agrobacterium –mediated genetic transformation of Elymus breviaristatus with Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes insecticidal protein gene.Plant Cell Tiss.Org.Cult.2007.89(2): 159-168.
  28.Zhao, J., Cao, M., Zhang, J., Sun, Q., Chen, Q., and Yang, Z.Pathological effects of the mushroom toxin amanitin on BALB/c mice.Peptide.2006.27: 3047-3052.
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  30.Ke, Y., Sun, Q., Yang, Z., Xin, J., Chen, L., and Hou, X.Atomic Spectrometric Determination of Trace Cadmium and Zinc in Corn Kernels and Related Soil Samples after Microwave-Assisted Digestion.Spectrosc.Lett.2006.39 (1): 1-3
  31.Zhang, J., Zhao, J., Sun, Q., and Yang, Z.Cloning and identification of promoter of Pseudomonas pseudoaligenes.High Technology Letters.2003.9(3): 49-53.
  32.Sun, Q., Senecal, A., and Faustman, C.Effect of water activity on lipid oxidation and protein solubility in freeze-dried beef during storage.J.Food Sci.2002.67(7): 2512-2516.
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  34.Wilkinson, A.L., Sun, Q., Senecal, A., and Faustman, C.Antioxidant effects on TBARS and fluorescence measurements in freeze-dried meats.Food Chemistry and Toxicology.2001.66: 20-24.
  35.Phillips, A.L., Mancini, R., Sun, Q., Lynch, M.P., Faustman, C.Effect of erythorbic acid on cooked color in ground beef.Meat Sci.2001.57: 31-34.
  36.Faustman, C., Liebler, D.C., McClure, T.D., and Sun, Q.a, b-Unsaturated aldehydes accelerate oxymyoglobin oxidation.J.Agric.Food Chem.1999.47(8): 3140-3144.
  37.Chan, W.K.M., Joo, S-T., Faustman, C., Sun, Q., and Vieth, R.Effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens on Beef Discoloration and Oxymyoglobin Oxidation in Vitro.J.Food Protection.1998.61: 1341-1346.
  45.韩蕾,赵兰英,闫娟,黄迎春,孙群.重组人肿瘤坏死因子凋亡诱导配体突变体稳定性研究.中国药学杂志,2010, 45(22): 8-12.
  46.温文婷,贾定洪,郭勇,孙群,杨志荣,彭卫红.中国主栽银耳配对香灰菌的ITS和ISSR分析, 中国农业科学, 2010,43(3):552-558.
  47.杨虎,向文良,张弛,孙烨琨,王璐,孙群.培养和非培养法分析冷藏鸡肉胴体中的细菌多样性.微生物学通报,2010, 37(10): 1451-1456.
  50.朱冬眉,陈丹,杨朝芬,陈华,杨志荣,孙群.胶红酵母不对称还原苯乙酮合成(S)-1-苯基乙醇.四川大学学报,2009, 46(6):1787-1792.
  51.胡会然,孙英成,陈放,杨志荣,孙群.麻疯树枯萎病病原菌分离鉴定及室内药剂筛?。拇ù笱аП?,2009, 46(6):1823-1927.
  52.高鹏,王艳,黄敏,陈浩,孙群.辐照对凤爪软罐头的灭菌作用和品质的影响.食品科学,2009, 30(21):36-38.
  53.郭建华,向文良,朱佳伟,罗涛,杨志荣,孙群.运用反向斑点杂交技术检测四川地区结核分枝杆菌KatG基因315位点的突变.四川大学学报,2009, 12(6):1920-1925.
  54.胡会然,孙英成,孙群,杨志荣,陈放。米曲霉固态发酵麻疯树饼产中性蛋白酶的研究。中国油脂,2009,05: 22-25
  55.朱冬眉,陈丹,郑黎鹂,陈华,杨志荣,孙群.不对称还原苯乙酮的酵母菌株筛选与分子鉴定.微生物学通报,2008, 12(6):1920-1925.
  56.宁华, 张荣先, 陈浩, 杨志荣, 孙群.滇池中芽孢杆菌的ARDRA分类及溶藻特性研究.湖泊科学,2008,20(5): 675-680.
  57.黄敏,李达绪,,张杰,赵建,杨志荣,孙群.类产碱假单胞菌杀虫蛋白基因的转化及杀虫活性.微生物学报,2008, 48(9): 1-6
  58.陈浩,高鹏,高雅,杨志荣,孙群.辐射降解壳聚糖涂膜对沙糖桔、圣女果和金桔的保鲜作用.核农学报,2008, 22(5): 100-105
  60.罗川,张春笋,李力,杨志荣,孙群.鳖甲复方针剂对Con A在Balb/c雄性小鼠中诱导的肝纤维化的预防和治疗作用初探.时诊国医国学,2008,(3):41-43
  62.李力,姚绍嫦,孙群,赵建,张杰,杨志荣.改良碱变性法抽提冷冻山羊肝脏组织线粒体DNA.四川大学学报,2007, 44(6):1331-1334
  66.陈丹,朱冬眉,孙群.水活度对牛肉氧化品质的影响.食品科学, 2007, 28(10): 71-73.
  67.古松,陈丹,陈浩,杨志荣,孙群.牦牛肌红蛋白的cDNA序列测定及其氧化特性的研究.四川大学学报,2007, 44(4):902-906
  68.张舒林,孙群,李达旭,张国龙,孙战强,杜长梅,王国斌,杨志荣.应用寡核苷酸探针反向膜杂交技术对临床标本中分枝杆菌进行快速菌种鉴定.中华微生物学和免疫学杂志.2007, 4 (2): 79-87
  69.张荣先,孙群,高锦航,王晓娟,李华兰,杨志荣.高校新校区空气卫生质量调查与评价.高校卫生, 2007,23(8): 331-333.
  70.张荣先,孙群,杨志荣.青刺果油不同部位水提取液的抑菌效果.安徽农业科学,2007,35(2): 408-409.
  71.张春笋,罗川,宋昭彬,杨志荣,孙群.青刺果油对大鼠脂代谢的药理研究.食品与生物技术学报,2006, 9: 104
  72.柯永培,袁继超,石海春,余学杰,孙群,赖仲铭,杨志荣.玉米杂交种正红2号的选育研究.西南农业学报,2005,18(2): 219-221.
  73.柯永培,张彪,袁继超,肖小余,石海春,余学杰,孙群,赖仲铭,杨志荣.深粒高产、优质、多抗、紧凑型玉米杂交种正红6号的选育研究.四川大学学报,2005,42(2): 412-417.
  74.李力,孙群,薛英志.禽流感防治研究进展.四川畜牧兽医,2003,30: 153-154.
  75.Sun, Q.Deteriortive changes in intermediate meat during storage.食品科技, 2003.4: 381
  76.孙群.肉制品脂类氧化:硫代巴比妥酸试验测定醛类物质.食品科学, 2002,23(8): 331-333.
  77.孙群.罐头食品中杀菌问题处理探讨.食品科学,1994,14: 9.
  78.孙群,张方晓,何晓东.猪蹄筋软罐头产品研制.四川食品科技,1993,57(4): 14-15
  79.孙群.微生物法鉴别经辐射处理肉制品.四川食品科技,1992,56: 4-5。
  80.吴羽纺,孙群.我?!段⑸镅笛椤房纬逃隡IT 开放课程的对比研究,高等理科教育,已录用.
  81.孙群,吴羽纺.《微生物学》课程双语教学:课堂实践与评估,高等理科教育,2005,59(1): 71-75.
  82.吴羽纺,孙群, 谭芙蓉.适应素质教育, 改革考试内容与方法.现代高等教育杂志, 2004, 8: 28.
  1.王红宁、张安云、高荣、李娟、孙群 等.规?;ǖ凹?、种鸡、商品肉鸡)鸡场消毒技术规范(DB51/T1286—2011),四川省地方标准,四川省质量技术监督局备案,2011
  2.王红宁、张安云、杨鑫、高荣、孙群 等.规?;ǖ凹?、种鸡、商品肉鸡)鸡场兽药安全使用规范(DB51/T1287—2011),四川省地方标准,四川省质量技术监督局备案,2011
  3.王红宁、杨鑫、张安云、高荣、孙群 等.规?;沓∈抟┌踩褂霉娣叮―B51/T1288—2011),四川省地方标准,四川省质量技术监督局备案,2011
  1.Tang, K., Sun, H., Zhao, Y., Guo, J., Zhang, C., Feng, Q., Luo, T., Yang, Z.and Sun, Q.Mutations in the rpoB gene of rifampin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates from Sichuan, China.22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, London, United Kingdom, March 2012.
  2.Ke, Y., Qiao, X., Shi H-C., Yu X., Yuan, J., and Sun, Q.Lai Z-M., Yang, Z-R.Genetic variation of maize SP3 lines by boarding satellite based on SSR analysis.The 11th Asian Regional Maize Workshop, Nanning, P.R.China.Nov.2011.
  3.Shi H-C., Qin, J., Ke, Y., Xue, X., Yuan, J., Sun, Q.Mutagenic effects of γ-radiation on general combining ability of maize inbred lines.The 11th Asian Regional Maize Workshop, Nanning, P.R.China.Nov.2011
  4.王淼,黄渊,汪先丁,杨虎,温文婷,孙群.一株冷藏鸡肉中产生物胺细菌的分离鉴定及产胺能力分析.The Forth International Food Safety Peak Forum (Beijing), Beijing, China.April, 2011.
  5.Yang, H., Xiang, W., Zhang, C., Sun, Y., and Sun, Q.Detection of bacterial community dynamics of frozen chicken during storage by 16S rDNA-ARDRA.The 56th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology.Jeju, Korea.Aug.2010
  6.Zhang, C., Xiang, W., Sun, Y., Yang, H., Yang, Z.and Sun, Q.Detection of difficult cultivable fungi from chicken carcasses using modified Rose Bengal medium.American Meat Science Association Reciprocal Meat Conference, Lubbock, Texas.June, 2010.
  7.Yang, H., Xiang, W., Zhang, C., Sun, Y., and Sun, Q.Detection of bacterial community dynamics of frozen chicken during storage by 16S rDNA-ARDRA.The 55th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology.Copenhagen, Denmark.Aug.2009
  8.Zhang, C., Xiang, W., Sun, Y., Yang, H., Yang, Z.and Sun, Q.Detection of difficult cultivable bacteria from chicken carcasses using near-native medium.The 55th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology.Copenhagen, Denmark.Aug.2009
  9.Gao, Y., Ding, W., Li, X-Y, Sun Q.Isolation of bacterial antagonists of Aspergillus flavus from fermented bean paste.2009东亚酿造技术与食品国际学术研讨会暨四川灾后食品产业提升研究学术研讨会.四川成都, June 24-27., 2009.
  10.Ke, Y-P., Shi H-C., Yuan, J-C., Yu X-J., Yan, C., Yang, Z-R., Sun, Q.Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci for Nutritional Quality Traits in Maize.The 10th Asian Regional Maize Workshop.Makassar, Indonesia, 20 - 23 October 2008
  11.Hu, H., Sun, Y., Chen, F., and Sun, Q.Identification of a pathogenic fungus in Jatropha curcas L.International Jatropha Conference.Bogor, Indonesia.June, 2008.
  12.高鹏,陈浩,高雅,杨志荣,孙群.辐射降解壳聚糖涂膜对沙糖桔、圣女果和金桔的保鲜作用.第五届“全罗南道—四川韩中东亚食品技术”学术研讨会.Mokpo, Korea.May, 2008.
  13.Chen, D., Zhu, D., Yang, Z.and Sun, Q.Microbial increase of dissociative calcium and amino acid nitrogen in yak bone paste.第四届“中日酿造技术与食品”国际学术研讨会.日本鹿儿岛, Sep., 2007.
  14.Gu, S., Chen, D., and Sun, Q.Analysis of cDNA sequence of yak myoglobin and its oxidation in muscles.The 53rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology.Beijing, P.R.China.Aug.2007
  15.Chen, D., Zhu, D., Yang, Z.and Sun, Q.Increase dissociative calcium and amino acid nitrogen in smashed yak bone paste by fermentation of enzymolysis.The 53rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology.Beijing, P.R.China.Aug.2007
  16.Sun, Q., and Zhang, S.L.Investigation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis resource and drug resistance in southwest China.The 2nd Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Symposium.Shanghai, P.R.China.Feb.2007
  17.Sun, Q.Study of resource microorganism and the development of microbial pesticide.2005 Sina-Russia Young Scientist Symposium.Chengdu, P.R.China.Oct.2005
  18.Ke, Y-P., Yuan, J-C., Sun, Q., Shi H-C., Yu X-J., Lai Z-M., Yang, Z-R.Study on Synchronous Directive Shuttle Breeding in Maize.The 9th Asian Regional Maize Workshop, Beijing, P.R.China.Sep.2005
  19.Zhang, R., Li, H.Zhang, C., Sun, Q.Measurement of peroxide value in edible oils.第三届“四川—九州中日酿造技术与食品”国际学术研讨会, 中国成都, 2004.四川食品与发酵, 2004增刊.
  20.Sun, Q., and Faustman, C.Measurement of deteriorative changes in intermediate moisture meat during storage.The 4th Conference for Worldwide Chinese Young Chemists.Chengdu, China.2004.
  21.Sun, Q., and Faustman, C.Effect of water mobility on lipid oxidation in intermediate moisture meat.The 6th International Symposium on green chemistry in China.Chengdu, China.Oct., 2003.
  22.Sun, Q., Zhang, W-X., and Faustman, C.The influence of water activity on oxidative status in freeze-dried beef.第二届“四川—九州中日酿造技术与食品”国际学术研讨会.日本九州, August, 2002.
  23.Kou, Y., Sun, Q., Chinachoti, P., Senecal, A., and Faustman, C.2000.Lipid oxidation and water mobility in freeze-dried meat.IFT Annual Meeting & IFT Food Expo®.Dallas, TX.June, 2000.
  24.Sun, Q., and Faustman, C.Effect of water activity on lipid oxidation and protein solubility in freeze-dried beef during storage.IFT Annual Meeting & IFT Food Expo®.Chicago, IL.July, 1999.
  25.Mancini, R., Phillips, A., Sun, Q., Lynch, M., and Faustman, C.Effect of erythorbic acid on cooked color in ground beef.52nd Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, American Meat Science Association, Stillwater, Oklahoma.June, 1999.
  26.Sun, Q., and Faustman, C.Characteristics of TBA reactive substance in freeze-dried beef.51st Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, American Meat Science Association, Storrs, Connecticut.July, 1998.
  27.Chan, W.K.M., Joo, S-T., Faustman, C., Sun, Q., and Vieth, R.Effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens on beef discoloration and oxymyoglobin oxidation in vitro.IFT Annual Meeting & IFT Food Expo®.Orlando, FL., June, 1997.
  5.陈竹平,陈浩,孙群,张春笋,罗川,杨志荣.一种预防与治疗慢性肝纤维化和肝硬化的中药制剂,专利号ZL 200610022478.X,2008;
  6.柯永培, 袁继超, 肖小余, 石海春, 余学杰, 赖仲铭, 杨志荣, 孙群.一种快速高效的玉米穿梭系谱育种法,专利号ZL031358705,2005。
  2011 四川大学教师教学发展中心,教学导师;
  2009 四川省学术和技术带头人后备人??;
  2008 四川大学教学成果奖二等奖“微生物学双语课程的改革与实践”;
  2008 四川省精品课程《现代生命科学基础》,主讲;
  2008 四川大学2006-2008年度“十佳师德标兵”;
  2007 四川大学“教学名师培养对象”;
  2007 农业部中国农业科技奖三等奖“四川各地黑山羊种质特性研究与应用”;
  2006 四川省精品课程、四川大学精品课程《微生物学》,主持;
  2005 四川大学双语教学比赛评委;
  2005 四川大学第三届优秀教学奖三等奖;
  2003 四川大学优秀博士生一等奖;
  2002 四川大学“展虹奖研金”二等奖;
  2002-07 四川大学“青年骨干教师奖励计划”;
  1999 美国康涅狄克大学中国学生学者联谊会副主席;
  1999 美国华美食品协会,优秀研究生奖。



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