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【考研派 okaoyan.com】 为大家提供考研英语美文,更多考研资讯请关注我们网站的更新!敬请收藏本站。

很多考英语一的同学在准备写作的时候,都会有这样的困惑:考研英语一作文的大作文要怎么写成考研英语美文?   完全背诵模板可不可以?    本文主要是针对同学们的这些疑惑,给大家一些解答。
1.describe the pictures briefly(图画描述段); 2.interpret the meaning(寓意阐释段); 3.give your comment(个人评论段);



【一幅图描述】It is worth noticing that the phenomenon that 整体描述, just as what has been illustrated in this picture, prevails nowadays. Giving it a closer watch, we will marvel at the fact that 细节描述. Obviously, the subtly conveyed implication that 点名寓意 should be given more consideration.
【两幅图描述-相反】It is worth noticing that the phenomenon that 第一幅图描述, just as what has been illustrated in the first picture, prevails nowadays. Furthermore, the second one describes a phenomenon opposite to that in the first one:第二幅图描述.Obviously, the subtly conveyed implication that 点名寓意 should be given more consideration.
【两幅图描述-相似】It is worth noticing that the phenomenon that 第一幅图描述, just as what has been illustrated in the first picture, prevails nowadays. Furthermore, the second one describes a phenomenon similar to that in the first one:第二幅图描述.Obviously, the subtly conveyed implication that 点名寓意 should be given more consideration.


【模板一】In fact, a number of reasons may contribute to this problem which is visulized explicitly in this picture. However, in my opinion, two factors play the essential role. One factor that plays a vital role in this problem is that people who are eager to reap instant benefits and to achieve quick success are blinded by short-term gains and motivated to do something wihout foresight and discernment. In addition to the above aspect, this issue also stems from that the performer fails to realize that he is supposed to bear relevant responsibilities and shoulder the consequences caused by his irresponsible and uncommitted behavior.

【模板二】Various reasons, as a matter of fact, are behind this matter illustrated in this picture, but as far as I know, the following two matter enormously. One of the possible cause is that no relevant legal consciousness has been instilled into the performer’s mind and he could do nothing but chase the trend blindly and uncousciouly when confronted with this solution. It is also owing to the fact schools and other relevant education institutions tend to be ignorant of the idea that students are in the exact phrase of personality formation and only push them to be devoted entirely to academic affairs.


According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take measures to approach solve this evil trend. Of all the steps, mass media tends to function essentially in the job. Besides, it is suggested that the whole society should bear the responsibility in the job. Only by means of these steps can we enjoy the ultimate success.
